By A Noton

Today, we have become a society that has become heavily dependent on technology to function at work, at home, and in other areas of our lives. The result of an increasing technological demand is that computers and other technological devices are having a tremendous impact on all areas of our daily lives. As well, computer technology is now being utilized in all areas of business. With a society that now extensively relies on computers, it just makes sense that computer technology will be used in the classroom. For students, the use of computers in the classroom has become an essential part of the curriculum.

The following describes the benefits of using computers in the classroom:


Career Preparation: The use of computers in the classroom helps students prepare for life after school. They will be prepared for a broad variety of careers that involve the use of computers. As well, they will not be at a disadvantage when competing for job positions as most employers today want their employees to have experience with computers. It is the job of educators to prepare students to be able to succeed in the job market and equipping them with knowledge of computers is essential to prepare them for a diverse and competitive marketplace. If a student does not have the proper computer training, their job prospects will be quite limited.

Excel in Studies: When using computers in the classroom, it can help students perform better, develop important skills such as word processing skills, critical thinking, problem solving skills, and fosters independent learning. It also allows for individualized attention that a teacher may not be able to provide when teaching a classroom full of students. As well, students receive instant feedback when they complete test and quizzes which motivates them to keep learning. Students will be able to learn by trial and error which promotes independent thinking.

Fun Learning: Using computers make learning more fun. When using the internet, students have access to volumes of information in many types of formats which is lacking in traditional textbooks. They can also engage in diverse projects that are very interesting such as showing an organ of the human body in 3D. When using computers in the classroom, lessons become fun and interesting instead of a boring chore. Computer technology provides information and experiences that books are not able to provide.

Computer technology is not only a part of most areas of our lives, it is also constantly changing. The result is a need to teach students about computers and computer technology so they are prepared to have a successful future. A student who does not know the essentials of using computers and computer parts such as networks, word processors, databases, operating systems, computer software, computer hardware, sound cards, laptop computer, desktop computer, computer memory, computer accessories, power supply, video cards, motherboards, and other components, will be at a serious disadvantage when they leave school. Using and understanding computer technology is essential beyond school and the classroom is where learning computers should begin.

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