Submitted by: Agust Hauksson

Spider veins are also known as varicose veins. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be either flesh color or dark/blue and often are like cords or appear like they are twisted or popping out of the skin. They are usually swollen or raised above the skin surface. They can be found near the calves or on the inside of the leg.

The specific types of varicose veins that we are talking about are much smaller. They are closer to the surface of the skin and appear like a drawing. They are called spider veins because they resemble tree branches or spider webs because they have short, jagged lines. However, spider veins cannot only appear on the legs, but on the face as well. Spider veins can either cover a small or large area of skin.


Spider veins are caused by a backup of blood. Hormone changes, the sun, and genetics can cause spider veins also. Usually the factors that will increase a person’s chance of developing spider veins are age, weak vein valves, hormonal changes, pregnancy, obesity, standing for long periods at a time on a regular basis, leg injuries, and exposure to the sun.

Mostly spider veins appear on the legs because of the force of gravity. Your body has to carry the pressure of your weight and the task of taking the blood from the bottom of the body up to the heart, makes legs a prime location for spider veins. The pressure that the legs have to endure can be stronger then the veins and the blood begin to slow down or get backed up.

Varicose veins and spider veins are usually not painful or dangerous. Spider veins usually do not need to be medically treated, but can get bigger or worsen over time. However, some varicose veins can cause some health problems and may need medical attention. Some of the symptoms of varicose veins are aches, tired legs, heavy legs, swelled leg, and numbness in the legs, irritated rash legs.

If you want to prevent varicose veins or spider veins you will want to wear sunscreen to protect the skin from damage to the skin. You want to exercise regularly so that you can improve your strength and circulation in the legs. In addition, you will want to avoid placing too much pressure on your legs. Another tip is to uncross your legs when sitting so that there isn’t added pressure or further slowing of the blood flow. You should also not sit or stand for long periods. If you do have to stand, try shifting your weight from one leg to the other every few minutes.

If you must sit for long periods, try to stand up or take a walk every thirty minutes or so. Also, when you are resting, try to keep your legs elevated. To avoid other types of varicose veins, you shouldn’t wear tight clothing that constricts the waist area. Make sure that you have a well balanced diet too.

About the Author: Agust Hauksson is a regular contributor of articles to many online publications. Find more great information at:


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