By Weihua

Recently, many domestic water giants have found a suitable water source, is intensive investment to create new markets. However, many medical experts advise, taken from the glaciers and high altitude areas of high mineral water there is no national standard, those nutrients are beneficial to humans has yet to be research. Everyone’s body is different from drinking water with high mineral may be detrimental to health.

High Water as “straw”

Recently, production and sales of more than 10 years Wong Lo Kat herbal tea JDB Group for the first time publicly admitted to drinking water industry involves the introduction of high-end water brand Kunlun Mountains. But many consumers commented that, for the production of new herbal tea “Evian” is not interested. “Is the international financial crisis, desperate to end a beverage company?” A consumer issue such a question.

According to report, the current high-end beverage industry does business less the economy. A source revealed, a series of high-end drinks Red Bull, the sales decline of 6 percent or more. And as early as two years ago, the JDB Group had already invested nearly 400 million yuan in Qinghai, Qinghai jade set up a subsidiary of Mount Everest Mineral Water. Domestic large beverage companies are also stepping up development of high-end products. From the relevant industry association data, the domestic high-end consumers of water have been formed, the next five years, the Chinese high-end water market capacity will be less than 10 billion yuan.

It is undeniable that many water companies will end more than 5 yuan a bottle of water as industrial upgrading “straw.” Just play high quality water in Guangdong Sunray Cave under the banner of the relevant person in charge of the company, go past the Sunray Cave can only rely on volume to low-profit marketing, 3 years ago, or almost 50% of the gross margin, and now only 1 / 10. Water Enterprise shuffle has already begun, if not out of the new direction of the market, the industry’s profit will become increasingly thin.


The Concept of Marketing is more Important than Water Investment

Industry experts said both the Canadian glacier water, the leading brand in Evian, France, or Norway VOSS, current drinking water from the international big-name high-end marketing methods, it may create a concept of work will be far greater than in water, construction plants and scientific research investment. Many high-end foreign body of water even in the bottle studded with Swarovski crystal, its value has gone beyond the water itself. In fact the water source again precious time doing business development, but also inevitably large-scale industrial production. Some big high-water known as the Royal International Queen, I am afraid that one of the advertising effect and Essays in the “court Yuye wine” no different.

With medical experts advise, from water sources to assess the consumption of a bottle of water is good or bad is erroneous. This is similar to a person’s place of birth according to judge their moral character. , “Valuable background may only need to create higher value-added.” Navy General

Hospital, a medical expert said.

Concerned about the High Price does not Mean that Concern about Health

“With the people’s own health concerns, high-end functionality is a general trend of water in the future.” Relevant industry association official said. But the author in the major stores and supermarkets star hotel survey learned is that now includes nine years, and the immeasurable hidden springs, including the high-end domestic brands such as drinking water, the price of 12 yuan to 30 yuan in between the majority of consumers cited the purpose of business needs, rather than the necessities of life. In public life, high water or appear as a luxury. Few people actually live this water points.

Tibet Glacier Mineral Water won the 5100 National Group buy tons of EMU big one. Wong Lo Kat herbal tea “brothers” Kunlun Mountains mineral water also catch the ride of Guangzhou Asian Games, to become sponsors of its drinking water. These marketing tools in building brand, but also a message to consumers – that water is the high-end business needs, from everyday life, people farther and farther away.

Experts have pointed out sharply that simply could not tell the consumers of distilled water, mountain spring water, mineral water and natural water

What is the difference between the in the end.

Only through the normal drink, consumers will not find one yuan and 10 yuan of water any real difference between the water. Medical experts also advise that these mineral water, in particular, many functions of water, yet can refer to the current national standards, the current concern about the safety of consumers of water level should be higher than the value of the function of the pursuit. Trace elements contained in water is now essential for the human body, is beneficial to human body are still to be verified. Even if the current publicity many weak alkaline water, have not been studied so far to support its really useful on the human body. From a medical perspective, the human body can regulate the body’s pH, water can not change the body’s acid-base balance.

Consumers have said in the past 10 years, the JDB’s most important products are canned Wong Lo Kat, this small red tin cans, Wong Lo Kat in 2008 for the creation of hundreds of billions of wealth, but the face of broader market, a “fear of lit drink Wong Lo Kat” slogan, it is difficult for people from all over the world understand what foreign consumers, “lit”, the high-end manufacturing for their own drinking water as its next ” Blue Ocean. ” But this road is recognized by consumers, is still difficult to see.

About the Author: I am a professional editor from China Suppliers, and my work is to promote a free online trade platform. contain a great deal of information about antique water pump,water hammer arrester,water kettles, welcome to visit!


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