By Bello Gbenga

Hemorrhoids or hemroids ( piles) are one of the most painful and embarrassing medical conditions that can afflict you. Because of the private and sensitive area of the body that is affected by hemorrhoids sufferers find it difficult to openly discuss their situation, even with the doctor until it is almost too late. (I know, I have been through it myself.)

Early hemorrhoids treatment should be commenced as soon as you notice symptoms and you should also start taking some steps to prevent re-occurrence of symptoms. {Commence effective early hemorrhoid treatment by clicking on the links in the last paragraph}

The main cause of hemorrhoids according to medical science is the build up of excessive pressure in the anal region mainly as result of constipation and irregular bowel. Constipation is usually accompanied with excessive straining during defecation. You need to avoid the cause of hemorrhoids. {Get a free book on the root causes of hemorrhoids by clicking on the links in the last paragraph below}

To cure your piles or hemorrhoids, try some of these natural piles treatment methods:


1. Reduce your intake of excessive red meat, if you want to eat meat eat more of white meat like chicken and turkey but you must avoid eating their oily skins. Avoid the use of painkillers that contain codeine. Codeine causes constipation.

2. Change your diet, eat more of high fiber foods like lots of fruits and vegetables. Eat more of foods that can be digested easily and avoid regular spicy and greasy food also avoid pastry based fast junk foods like burgers, meat pies, cakes etc. These will only aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids more. {Click the links in the last paragraph to learn more about 5 fruits and vegetables that if taken just once weekly will ensure you never have hemorrhoids again}

3. Drink plenty of fluid (preferably water). You need about 2 litres of water a day that is roughly 8 to 10 glasses of water. If you drink coffee a lot or alcohol, you will need to drink even more water as these dehydrate you even more. This will make your stool softer so it will slide out easier rather rupturing the veins and cause bleeding when straining during bowel movement.

4. Exercise regularly. Exercise generally reduces the risk of heart disease and other medical conditions, improve how your lung works and boost your immune system. Some yoga exercise are designed especially to regulate your bowel movement as well. {Learn more about the good exercises that you can do to treat hemorrhoids by clicking on the links in the last paragraph below}

If you follow the above simple treatment for hemorrhoids you will be able to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids to some extent but to actually get rid of hemorrhoids completely there is a proven natural method of healing hemorrhoids within 48 hours which you must add to your treatment.

I have personally tried this product and it has given me total healing from hemorrhoids, I highly recommend this product. This product was developed by a former hemorrhoid sufferer who discovered it while she was searching for her own cure.

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Get Cured TOTALLY Of All Forms of Hemorrhoids

within 48 hours


Natural Method for Curing Piles.

Also Get Your FREE

Hemorrhoid Book.


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