Submitted by: Frank Yaconis

It seems that more and more ailments, diseases and conditions are being attributed to inflammation every day. Now, there appears to be some connection between acne, which essentially is an inflammation on the surface of the skin due to bacteria, and relief found from Nopalea Juice.

Teenagers, who are so sensitive to how they look and what others think, are usually the ones plagued so hardly with this skin condition due to raging hormone levels. At this age, when people are just starting to get to know themselves in their new bodies, self confidence can be ebbing. A face that is broken out can really harm someone s self esteem during the teenage years.

Anything that can help a teenager suffering through bad skin and acne breakouts is a welcome relief. Now that it is known that something as simple as drinking a juice known to fight inflammation can help.

It actually just makes sense. Inflammation is the body s natural response to invasion by any type of bacteria from outside the body. Acne is really the skin s response to eruptions within its pores, fought with a rush of white blood cells. Inflammation is a wondrous response, but it does occasionally go wrong. When the bacteria is gone, but the inflammation response does not turn off, then it becomes chronic, which can lead to other problems.


Time Magazine came out with an article a while ago saying there is possibly a strong link between chronic inflammation and conditions such as arthritis and diseases like colon cancer.

Luckily, scientists are looking at an all-natural relief to chronic inflammation found in the prickly pear cactus. Nopalea Juice is made from this cactus, which is also called the Nopal Cactus.

According to an article found in VITAJOURNAL, the magazine put out by Trivita, the makers of Nopalea Juice, one teenager found all sorts of relief for his acne by drinking Nopalea Juice.

The article said that this teen who was plagued by embarrassing breakouts starting when he turned 13, was at his wits end by the time he turned 15. He tried most conventional methods, such as increasing his intake of water, exercising and even nonprescription medicines, but had no luck. Even prescribed medications didn t eliminate the redness.

He hated having photos taken because of his blemishes.

When a friend gave him some Nopalea juice, he was not convinced it would help, but thought he would give it a try. He began drinking six ounces a day, according to the article.

It only took a week for the redness on his face to disappear. A month later he could see a visible difference in how clear his skin became. He described his face in the article as smoother, and most importantly, not red and puffy.

When he quit drinking the juice, his skin returned to its pre-Nopalea state, so he began drinking it again and is happy with the results and a huge fan of the natural drink.

For this one teen, this juice has changed his life, he said.

About the Author: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about helping people with

joint pain

for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with


of the body. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.


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