What\’s the Procedure Like for a Dental Implant?


Yair Boone

Having a dental implant has become very popular these days due to many oral problems or loss of teeth at a very early age. The empty space in the place of a tooth does not look good if it is easily visible when you open your mouth to speak or eat. Hence, it will be a good idea to settle for a dental implant, which is easy to place in and not as painful as you think. A dental implant involves surgically placing a fake tooth similar to your other teeth in your mouth in that empty space. Depending on the number of implants you want to have, the time taken for the entire surgical procedure will be decided.

Usually a single implant procedure takes up a period of 1-2 hours. In order to avoid any kind of discomfort or pain during this surgery, the dentist or oral surgeon will treat you with local anesthesia or oral sedation before proceeding with the implant. He may also suggest you some forms of medication to be taken two to three days prior to the surgery. This will reduce or completely eliminate any form of problem you might face during the dental implant procedure. Just before the surgery, he will also suggest you to rinse your mouth with a special anti-bacterial mouthwash. This will help you go smoothly with the surgery.


Once the doctor takes you to the room where the surgery will take place, he will make arrangements for you to sit down comfortably. Then, he would give you local anesthesia in order to numb your entire mouth. The doctor will use a special drill to make an incision in your gums deep enough to make your jaw bone visible. The bone will be drilled further to make space for the implant. Then the first part of the screw is fitted in that incision using a hand tool or drill. Another piece of the implant is then fixed on this screw. This will take a few days to heal and therefore, you will have to come back to the dentist for a second round of the surgical process.

Within a few months, the implant becomes securely attached to the bone. During these months, the doctor will call you to take an impression of your teeth to make a new tooth for you according to the same size and shape that fits correctly on your gums. Once the crown is ready, you will have to visit the dentist to check whether the crown fits your gums properly. The second round of surgical implant will involve placing the impression of the crown on the component already implanted on your jaw bone. The dentist will further drill your gums to make the implanted screw visible. The crown will then be placed on the screw and securely attached to it. A few stitches might be required to complete the surgery. They will help the implant stay stable in its place.

You will have to take good care of the implant after the surgery as you take care of your other teeth. It is necessary to brush your implant and floss it daily. Going for a checkup every six months will be required by your dentist or oral surgeon.

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