Working Overnights Could Cut Years Off Your Life


Ethan C Kalvin

Shift work is something that everyone dreads doing and yet for some reason many companies insist that at least part of their work be done during the late night and overnight hours. These are the hours that the body is used to sleeping and as a result it can be a difficult and in some cases a hopeless thing for an individual to conform to.


When it comes to shift work it’s anything but healthy and studies show that the body doesn’t thrive in these conditions. As a matter of fact, there are many studies that show that working overnights in your lifetime can significantly lessen your ability to live a longer and healthier life. One of the main reasons why shift work is something that does not work well for the body is because your sleep cycles tend to be built in and by modifying these cycles and trying to stay awake during the darkness of night but to sleep during the day when the sun is shining is in exact contrast to what your body feels is best for it. When it comes to sleep the natural bodily response for most people is to sleep through the night and remain awake throughout the day. Some attribute the many sleep disorders and the prevalence in our society to shift work and the way that it’s impacting the sleep process in this country and some say it’s the fact that overnight television is available now which helps to encourage viewers to stay up and enjoy more. Sleep disorders and shift work are much more prevalent now then they ever were previously and it is because of this that people are steadily experiencing more and more health concerns that can be directly correlated to disrupted sleep schedules. Issues such as eating disorders, decreased immunity, as well as mental illnesses such as depression, paranoia, delusions, and mental instability all can stem from disrupted sleep patterns. It’s thought that many of the newer mental illnesses and serious depression issues come as a result of individuals who need to sleep throughout daylight hours and remain awake all night long. Not getting a healthy amount of sleep over an extended stretch of time can be very harmful. individuals who do not sleep properly and are sleep deprived are at serious risk for some major health episodes. When at all possible avoid working overnight shifts at work try to get yourself on a good healthy sleep schedule.

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Working Overnights Could Cut Years Off Your Life