By Realtypin

There are many methods for acquiring wealth available across the globe today. One of the most easily accessible ways even for the new investor is real estate investing. Many people have made millions of dollars by investing in the real estate market in one form or another.

Real estate is a profitable vehicle for the investor who is dedicated to learning about all of the different types of investments, option, risks and potential rewards that come with real estate investing. There are many different ways to invest in real estate. Here are some of the more common ones people use to get started.

1) Rental property. This is one of those rare real estate investments where you can make money even if you pay top dollar for the property. The reason is you are going to hold onto this property for the long term. You’re only requirement is the property generate a positive cash flow. This means after you sum up all of your expenses on the property like financing cost, taxes, insurance and a vacancy rate, the amount you are collecting in rent surpasses this figure. This is one of the classic ‘get rich slow’ methods of real estate investing. You are making a small amount of money each month from the property in rental income, and you are also slowly building up equity in the property over time as you pay down the financing.


2) Pre-construction investment. This is also known as buying property on ‘spec’ or on the speculation that when the property is finished it will sell for a much higher price than you have invested in it. This is seen mostly in new condominium projects where investors fight to buy the units before they are built assuming the price will come up once construction is complete. I have known investors who have purchased several condo units in a facility being built and put $5,000 down on each unit as a down payment. Then before the property was even constructed ‘flipped’ their contract to an end buyer who was willing to pay them 4 to 5 times their down payment just to get in on the deal. The problem with this type of investing is it normally only works when a market is going up regularly. In a down market like we are experiencing these types of deals are much harder to find but they are still out there. There are still part of the country that are very desirable to live in and are experiencing market growth.

3) Flipping houses. This is a type of property investment that has made leaps and bounds in the last few years thanks to the popularity of many popular home improvement and house flipping shows on cable networks in the last few years. This has become a very dangerous thing as people who have no idea what it actually takes or costs to renovate and flip a property are buying homes because they think ‘I saw it on television and I can do that’ Television doesn’t show you the whole picture. You have to be aware of all of the hidden costs like marketing the property, closing costs, carrying costs if it doesn’t sell right away, etc. You need to make sure you are buying the property at a significant discount to cover yourself completely.

4) Buy and hold. As mentioned above, real estate tends to gain value over time. Bad properties in bad neighborhoods will accrue equity if given enough time. You can visit for info on new homes, foreclosures, home loans and neighborhoods. History has shown us that even when a large market correction occurs like has happened now, properties eventually do recover and increase in value. The secret is to make sure the property is at least covering it’s own costs while you wait for the equity to build up in it.

5) Lease options. Not everyone has perfect credit. For those who have credit issues finding a lender to purchase a home can be an impossible task. They need time to get their credit repaired. These people are perfect candidates for lease options. They will pay above market value for the house and put a non-refundable down payment down. They are willing to pay for the privilege of rebuilding their credit while working towards a path of home ownership. For these people, a lease option presents a solution to their lending problem and buys them the time they need to get their credit and/or income ready to go to a traditional lender.

About the Author: Finding you the right home!

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