Giving Your Guy a Penis Sensitivity Test


John Dugan

There are a lot of guys out there who have been led to believe that the ability to keep going at it for hours is a special gift. But most women will agree that after 20 minutes or so, enough is enough those delicate parts are only meant to take so much of a beating. Besides, putting so much effort into getting him going without any results can be discouraging and leave women wondering whether he is really enjoying himself.

In fact, while guys may love the idea of being able to keep going long enough to give their partners pleasure, a lengthy session can get to be too much for them as well. At some point, frustration may overtake pleasure and spoil the mood, leaving both partners feeling dissatisfied and wondering what they did wrong. In many cases, it is not lack of attraction or enjoyment, but a common penis problem related to desensitization, that is leading to this loss of pleasure in intimate encounters.

While talking about penis problems may feel awkward, and no woman wants to sound like she is questioning his virility or his passion for her, working together to solve issues related to loss of feeling in penis skin can restore the pleasure a couple enjoys together and build a new level of trust between them.

Understanding the penis – what causes loss of sensitivity?

The penis is a complex organ, and there are many factors related to sensation and pleasure. These include the sensory receptors in the penis skin, the circulatory system, and the condition of the outer layers of skin itself. All of these need to work well together for him to get the most out of an erotic experience.


However, this also means that if anything is not functioning correctly, loss of sensation may occur. Peripheral damage to the nerve cells in the skin, poor circulation, and toughening of the outer layers of skin (a process called keratinization) may all contribute to reduced sensitivity. These issues are common and often result from the wear and tear of daily life, and over time, they may impair his ability to detect erotic stimulation to the penis.

Testing for loss of penis sensation

The first step to overcoming loss of penis sensation is determining whether there is a problem and how extensive it might be. Women can help their partners with a simple at-home test for sensitivity loss by following these steps:

1.The man should be undressed and standing; his eyes should be closed or covered with a blindfold. The test will work best with an erect penis.

2.The woman should gently run her fingertips over the penis, starting at the base and moving up the shaft to the head. The man should report when he can feel her touch; at any point where he cannot feel her fingers, she should take note of the location.

3.If lack of sensation is detected in any area, she may repeat the procedure using an ice cube, again noting where the sensation is either decreased or absent altogether.

Caring for his package at-home solutions for maintaining a healthy penis

If loss of sensation is detected, there are several steps that can be taken to improve sensitivity:

1.Ask him to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that is non-binding in order to allow for adequate circulation to the area.

2.If he smokes or uses other tobacco products, he should quit tobacco has been linked to loss of sensation and erectile dysfunction.

3.Experiment with soft touch, different positions and even toys to retrain his sensory tissue.

4.Apply a specialized penis nutrient formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants that are specifically designed to improve penis nerve and skin health. These natural emollients help to slough away keratinized tissue, as well as supporting the regeneration of healthy skin cells. Natural moisturizers keep the skin soft, supple and responsive to the touch.

For additional information on most common

penis health issues

, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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Giving Your Guy a Penis Sensitivity Test