byAlma Abell

We all realize that there are certain risks which are inherent in driving a motor vehicle. We can strive to be as safe as we possibly can when we drive, but we also accept the fact that there are some things which are beyond our control and that bad things can happen. If you find yourself in an automobile accident, there are some things you need to do to protect yourself and your rights. The most important point to make here is to not admit any responsibility for the accident to anyone.

If you have been injured in an accident, seek medical attention immediately. This may seem obvious, but many times injuries can put a person into a state of shock where they may not be aware of how badly they have been hurt. If you are able to get any photos of your injuries for later reference, your car accident attorney in Hartford, WI may be able to make use of them.

Your next step, if you are able, should be to make certain that your accident gets reported to the proper authorities, whether state, county, or local. You may be tempted at this point to contact your insurance company as well, but it’s better to wait until you have gathered more information for them before reporting the accident.

Try to get as much information as possible from anyone else who was involved in the accident. Driver’s license and insurance information is the bare minimum. If you can find out where they work, where they were driving to or from, or any other information that may be pertinent, it may be of use to your attorney. If there were any witnesses to the accident, try to get contact information from them, as well.

Most cell phones have picture-taking capabilities, so try to get photos of the accident scene before any vehicles have been moved. This may help an accident investigator reconstruct what happened. Even if the photos are not the best quality, they can be a big help to your case.

The next step you take may be the most crucial; contact an experienced car accident attorney Hartford, WI. He will use all of his skill and all of the resources of his firm to make certain that your rights are protected and that you receive adequate compensation for the damages inflicted. Hetzel & Nelson LLC will stand up for you and be your voice.